Blind Bolts for Marina Fixing Applications
The ease of use and convenience of Blind Bolts truly come into their own when they have to be utilised in a problematic environment. In many cases, parts of a project will be difficult to access, or will have to be worked on even during spells of bad weather, for example. One location which is certain to throw up a range of issues when construction work is being carried out is a marina.
In the first instance, a marina will naturally contain highly corrosive salt water, and the weather patterns around the coast are likely to be unpredictable, something which can hamper the most carefully planned construction or repair work. The fact that all Blind Bolt fasteners – whether thin wall bolts or heavy duty bolts – are made from 316 grade (A4) rust resistant stainless steel means that corrosion isn’t a problem. The changeable conditions at a marina will also impact to a lesser degree thanks to the ease with which blind fasteners can be applied.
If a pontoon needs to be constructed or a retaining wall repaired, then a relatively short period of better weather will be sufficient time to utilise Blind Bolts, and the ease of use they offer makes them perfect for the parts of a marina which might be more difficult to access. Once in place, our blind bolts offer the manufacturing quality and engineering stability needed to deal with anything which the sea might have in store for them.
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